Lista på symtom för kvinnor med Asperger och man skulle kunna säga att detta är ”jag”

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This list typifies many of the adult Aspienwomen I have worked with. These traits also depend to some extent on the severity, whether you’ve been assessed and diagnosed and/or receives support and intervention, and also whether there is a co-existing condition(s) (for e.g., a personality disorder) present.

  1. Cognitive/Intellectual Abilities

Tend to have high average to genius intelligence, often (but not always) with significant splits between verbal and perceptual reasoning abilities, lower working memory and/or processing speeds, learning disabilities (for e.g., dyscalculia, dyslexia, reading comprehension)

Superior long-term memory

Weaker short-term memory

May need academic accommodations in University

A distinct learning profile consisting of a spikey profile of strengths and weaknesses, peaks and troughs, learning disabilities/differences

Often have a rigid negative thinking, inflexible black or white thinking style

  1. Education/University Life

May have dropped out of high school and gone back later, or may have repeated a grade. May have unfinished or partial degrees, may have many finished degrees, many have Doctorate of PhD level qualifications. Many have taken longer to achieve their education, as compared to their peers.

May have a history of enrolling and attending university classes, followed by dropping out of classes or semesters. Sometime later, she then re-enrols/attends later on, in life. This is usually due to be overloaded and overwhelmed. A history of deferring exams, not attending classes, dropping out of classes or programs, is common.

May have repeated high school or courses OR dropped out completely.

A history of many doctors and counsellors visits throughout university life, without any significant improvement

Difficulty taking the same amount of courses or classes as her peers

May get lost on campus easily, lose possessions, be late for classes or exams (vilket gjorde att jag var där okritsligt tidigt).

  1. Career/Work

Often drawn to the helping, artistic or animal professions, and often an “expert” in her chosen field. I know of many Aspienwomen who are successful in the following careers: Artists, singers, actors, poets, writers, teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, special needs teachers/consultants, horse trainers/whisperers, doctors, scientists, accountants, authors, childcare workers, models, comedians, artists, computer-related specialists, animal handlers or zoo keepers, university professors, nurses, psychics/mediums, entrepreneurs and photographers.

May miss days of work due to social exhaustion (väldigt ofta)

May find great difficulty attending/participating in staff meetings, lunch breaks, work social events

May make up excuses for not attending work/staff functions (gjorde vad som helst för att slippa)

May have a history of being unable to cope with work/employment environments, often moving from job to job, especially in younger adult years

Hard-working conscientious worker

May get stressed if have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time

May become frustrated/stressed if asked to do too many things at once

Tries very hard to avoid making mistakes, forgetting things

Tries hard to please others (så till den milda grad att jag glömde vem jag egentligen själv var)

May burn bridges (for e.g., walk out or quit jobs or relationships without notice)

  1. Social and friendships/relationships

Preference for one-on-one social interactions, single close friendships

Need more time away from people than their peers (solitude) (inget illa menat mot mina nära och kära, det bara är så)

May experience stress, anxiety and confusion in social group or group work situations (men visade det sällan, tog ut det när jag sedan kom hem. Grät, var helt slut, när jag fick stänga dörren om mig skakade jag bokstavligen – rös – av välbehag av att äntligen vara hemma ENSAM)

Strong preference to engage in conversation related to their special interest

Strong dislike for social chit-chat, gossip, nonsense, lies or conversation that lacks a ‘function’ to it, but some are known to engage in it themselves (men jag gör det, ibland, för att vara social)

A history of being bullied, teased, left out and/or not fitting in with same-age peers, unless she had/has similar “Aspie” friends (skolan = tortyr. Blev aningens bättre på högstadiet där jag fick en bra vän)

An intense dislike of lies, but may lie herself (gjorde det mycket förr, för att passa in, men hatade varenda minut). Ljög ofta för att passa in. Till exempel ”Ja det tycker jag med”, fast jag tyckte att det var helt befängt och jag höll inte med. ”Jag älskar människor!” Nej, det gör jag inte. ”Jag älskar att jobba med detta!” Nej, det gör jag inte. ”Jag älskar dig!” Nej, det gör jag inte. Men, alla förväntade sig så mycket av mig, jämt, chansen att få vara sig själv var obefintlig både inom familjen och ute i samhället. Rollen jag skulle spela, var skapad.

Has an ability to socialize, however is unable to do so for long periods of time. Suffers from “social exhaustion” or a “social hangover” when socializing too much. The hangover can last hours to days, which can be debilitating (otroligt sant! Många tror mig inte när jag sager att jag MÅSTE vila, vara ensam och kanske i flera dagar efteråt, när jag umgåtts med någon. Till och med bara med en person). Därav att jag stänger in mig, som så många tidigare anmärkt på. Så ledsen, inget illa menat, jag kan bara inte.

Experience great difficulty with conflict, arguments, being yelled at, fighting, war (fryser till is, blir tyst, som att jag inte är där)

Has great difficulty asserting herself, asking for help, setting boundaries (STORA problem med det)

May need to drink to be able to socialize (Nej, det går fetbort, hatar att dricka)

May currently have or have experienced Post-Traumatic Stress, often due to being misunderstood, misdiagnosed, mistreated, and/or mismedicated. (Detta satte ord på det jag tror jag råkade ut för 2014, hösten, när jag föll ihop hemma. Då hade bägaren runnit över och en resa mot detta påbörjades). Klockrent!

Social Skills differences – is exceptionally good one-on-one and presenting to groups, however has difficulty working within group situations (döljer det, men hatar verkligen grupparbete!)

May find herself in social situations or relationships that she is unhappy with, but not know how to remove herself from them (Lyckades till sist, men det tog tid och jag visste verkligen inte HUR jag skulle göra)

History of being taken advantage of by others, even though she has taken the appropriate business, legal or social advice from others

Often bored in social situations or parties and/or does not know how to act in social situations (dagdrömmer, försvinner bort, men kan se närvarande ut och även svara på saker och ting, men försvinner lika fort igen och är otroligt lättad när jag sen är ensam igen)

May say “yes” to social events, then later make up an excuse as to why she cannot attend, often staying home in solitude (reading a book or engages in her special interest) (till mina nära och kära: JÄTTELEDSEN när vi bokat saker och jag sedan smitit ur det, men jag klarar det inte. Vill så gärna men det går inte)

Often prefers to be engaged in her special interest, rather than socializing (Finns inget bättre, kan fotografera hela dagarna, se på film, surfa på Pinterest)

May be considered the “black sheep” of the family (Nja, men misslyckad. “När ska hon bli något? När ska hon ta tag I sitt liv? När ska hon xxxxxxxxxxxxx?????”)

Others consider her different, odd, eccentric or “weird” by others (Det är vad jag hör)

May feel like she has to act normal” to please others OR does not care at all about fitting in (Förr gjorde jag det, till och med förra året så det är inte så väldigt länge sedan. Nu skiter jag i det, för jag orkar inte bry mig mer).

Copies, mimics, acts in order to fit in and make others like her (Jag är en enorm skådespelare och vet precis HUR jag ska vara för att passa in, avskyr varenda sekund, igen).

A people pleaser, but then may burn bridges suddenly (for e.g., quit relationships), as they have difficulty managing conflict

Females appear to be better than males at masking the traits of autism in social situations. However, girls are less able to do so in unfamiliar settings.

May be considered a “loner” OR may have many acquaintances, but no real friends (Japp, alltid)

Social Naivity, may believe anything told to them by others (gossip, stories, jokes and teasing), difficulty interpreting the intentions of others, Misinterprets other peoples intention, often jumping to conclusions about others (Det tog sin tid innan jag förstod att allt inte var sant som folk sa och det kunde krossa mitt hjärta)


  1. Communication

Difficulties communicating her thoughts and feelings, in words, to others, especially if anxious, stressed or upset. Often can type or write her thoughts much better (skriver bättre än pratar om det)

May dislike asking others for help, be unable to ask or not know how to ask for help

May be passive, not know how to assert her boundaries in a healthy manner

May offend others by saying what she is thinking, even if she does not mean to (Jag vet att en del tagit illa upp)

May point out other people’s mistakes

May give too much detail and end up boring others unintentionally

May ask embarrassing questions (usually when younger)

Unusual voice (flat, monotone, high-pitched, child-like)

Tendency to take things literally, missing what people are trying to say

May talk too loudly or too softly, often unaware that she is doing so

Often surprised when people tell her she has been rude or inappropriate

Poor pragmatic language skills

  1. Physiology/Neurology
  2. Highly Sensitive

Highly sensitivity, may not be able to listen to or watch the news, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, watch violent shows/movies or horror movies, see hurt or injured animals, abuse, war, trauma, are sensitive to the emotions and “emotional atmosphere” of the environment, experience referred emotion and psychic “6th sense” abilities, may have strong intuitive and/or psychic abilities (I princip ALLT på denna lista, är galet känslig att jag kan störtgråta när jag ser ett djur far illa och det försvinner inte, det sitter I hela dagen och kanske flera dagar)

  1. Sensory Processing Disorder/Condition

May have sensory sensitivities in the following areas: hearing, vision, taste, touch, smell, balance, movement, intuition

May be very sensitive to pain or have a high pain threshold

May notice how food tastes or feels and one may be more important than the other

May be clumsy or un-coordinated

May dislike loud noises and/or be overwhelmed or stressed by bright lights, strong smells, coarse textures/clothing, sirens close by or people too close behind her. (Öronproppar och solglasögon är min bästa vän, kan bädda sängen mitt I natten för att jag har ett veck som stör, klipper sönder kläder för att det är en söm någonstans som gnager – bra att kunna sy då, tycker inte ens om att ha folk nära)

May find children hard to cope with due to crying, screaming or other loud noises (AVSKYR det!)

Sensitive to the way clothes feel and how they may be more important than how they look (så mjukt och skönt som möjligt)

May have to withdraw, isolate herself when overwhelmed by her senses (väldigt ofta)

May not be able to tolerate sounds, sights, smells, textures, movement that she dislikes (nej, kan bara inte acceptera det, vilket ställer till det för mig)

May not like to be hugged, cuddled or held. “I only like to hug if it’s my decision” (Skeda och annat gos går bort, varför tycker man om det? Jag vill helst sova ensam i relationer, men det är ju ingen annan som vill).

Can get upset or distressed if unable to follow a familiar route when going somewhere (så stressande att planera en tripp med bussen bara, så varje mote till psykologen är allt annat än enkel)

Things that should feel painful may not be (bruises but not know how they got there, due to clumsiness)

In social situations, the nervous system tends to be overwhelmed easily, leading to withdrawal (for e.g., wander off to a quiet spot at a party, play with children or animals) (innan jag slutade att gå på fester, så försvann jag rätt vad det var. Jag bara går, sager inget till någon)

Strong hunger may disrupting her mood and/or ability to focus

She may notice and enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, works of art, and pieces of music.

  1. Anxiety, stress and/or anger. Recent brain scanning research points towards enlarged Amygdala’s role in intense emotions, anxiety and anger
  2. May have auditory processing issues
  3. May have Irlen Syndrome
  4. May grind teeth or have lockjaw (anxiety)
  5. May have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or traits
  6. May have one or more of the 7 types of ADHD (see
  7. Usually has executive function difficulties (i.e., time management, planning ahead, organization)
  8. May rock, leg-bounce, fidget or other movements with hands, twirl hair, stroke soft fabric to self-soothe (aka stimming or self-soothing)
  9. May be very sensitive to medications, caffeine and/or alcohol
  10. May have gluten, wheat, casein or other food allergies/intolerances, gut issues
  11. May have sleep difficulties, a preference for staying up late at night, usually not a morning person, may be very creative at night
  12. May have Dyspraxia
  13. May have tics (for example, throat-clearing, coughing)
  14. Physical Appearance

Usually dresses differently from her peers, often eccentric, may dress more for comfort than appearance.

May dress “over the top” or unusually for occasions

May try very hard to fit in appearance wise or may not care at all

May have a special interest in fashion and femininity (älskar verkligen mode och är ofta på Pinterest och sparar bilder. Femtiotalet, bohem, ladylike, medeltidskläder osv, finns inte ETT mode)

May not shower or upkeep hygiene at times, due to different priorities (usually being involved in special interests)

Looks younger than her years

Has an unusual voice; may be “child-like”, monotone, loud or soft, quality to her voice

Often does certain things with hands (twirling hair or items, different movements) or legs (leg “bouncing” or rocking while standing)

  1. Lifestyle

Books, computers, the Internet, animals, children, nature may be her best friends (fullträff, förutom barn då)

She loves quiet, solitude, peaceful surroundings (Finns inngen bättre tillvaro!)

She may be ultra-religious or not at all. Buddhism appears to be common (kallas nog new age för mig, men älskar Doreen Virtue och hennes livsstil. Hon är min husguru)

May prefer to spend as much time as possible by herself, with animals or in nature (JA! Tänk, då mår jag allra bäst… Tänk att ha ett arbete som innefattar detta, plus skriv a och foto, då är jag där jag vill vara)

May have a strong preference for routine and things being the same day after day (då fungerar jag bäst, störs rutinen så faller min tillvaro och jag glömmer, kommer för sent och missar tider och möten)

Gets pleasure from being engaged in her chosen work and/or special interests

She may make it a high priority to arrange her life, events, work, and environment to avoid overwhelming, stressful or upsetting situations (alldeles rätt! Det betyder oerhört mycket för mig)

  1. Relationship Choices/Sexuality/Gender

May date or marry much older or much younger partners, same gender partner, tending not to see the “age”, “gender”, but rather the personality of the person first (om jag överhuvudtaget dejtar någon)

May be asexual, having preferences that are deemed as more important than sex or a relationship (pratar jag sex med andra kan det låta som att jag är intresserad. Men jag är sällan det. När jag är ihop med någon, som jag verkligen fastnat för, men inte annars så speciellt)

May be ‘hypersexual”, fascinated by physical sexual contact

May differ from peers in terms of flexibility regarding sexual orientation or may think about or want to change gender. Some individuals may change gender or experiment with sexuality as a means to find social success or to “fit in” or feel less different

May not have wanted or needed intimate relationships (asexual) (Med rätt person, men det krävs verkligen att jag är väldigt intresserad, det ger nästan mer tillfredsställelse att äta chips…)

There is a greater flexibility in sexuality and/or gender. May be heterosexual or may be asexual, gay, bi-sexual or transgender.

  1. Special Interests

A special interest may involve the person’s career, fantasy, writing, animals, reading, celebrities, food, fashion, jewellery, make up, tattoos, symbols, to name a few (såå STORT intresse för dessa, så att dagar kan försvinna bara jag får hålla på med det, laser ALLT som finns om ämnet/personen. När jag ser en film så googlar jag samtidigt på skådespelaren och läser om den personen medan filmen rullar, samtidigt så googlar jag på filmen och det finns fler av den, regissörer och när första spelades in och har grundar den sig på en verklig händelse så är jag lost…)

Ability to “hyperfocus” for long periods of time involved in the special interest, without eating, drinking or going to the toilet, is able to hyperfocus on her special interest for hours, often losing track of time

Loves and revels in solitude, peace and quiet. Solitude is often described as “needing it like the air I breathe”

An intense love for nature and animals (så till den milda grad att jag kan bli väldigt upprörd och ARG på människor som inte bryr sig lika mycket som jag, kan till och med tycka illa om personer på grund av det)

Often not interested in what other people find interesting (om de inte är lika muppiga som jag då..)

May collect or hoard items of interest

Introspection and self-awareness. Many women spend years trying to understand themselves, reading self-help and psychology books and wonder why they feel so different, from another planet or that the “Mothership has dropped me off on the wrong planet”. (Exakt så… hur manga böcker har jag inte I detta ämnen? Hur mycket har jag inte läst på internet om detta? Och hur mycket FEL har jag inte känt mig….)

  1. Emotional

Feels things deeply

Other people’s moods affect her, especially if they are negative

Tends to be very sensitive to emotional pain

Deeply moved by arts, music, certain movies

May be unable to watch horror, violence, disturbing movies, and news programs (Var helt utan tv I 6 år pga nyheter som påverkade mig negativt)

Lives with continual generalized anxiety, bouts of depression that creep up on her

Difficulty regulating emotions and managing stress

Is socially and emotionally younger/immature than her chronological age, much younger if in her twenties

Emotionally too honest (inability or difficulty hiding true feelings when it would be more socially acceptable to do so) and naive

Experiences intense emotions of all kinds (for e.g. when she falls in love, she ‘falls’ in love deeply) (och när det blir slut så rasar hela min värld VERKLIGEN! Även att jag inte vill ha honom. Grät så jag kräktes I duschen när jag gjorde slut med senaste längre relationen, tyckte inte ens om den killen)

May think she is being compassionate, but her actions may not come across that way

Often too sensitive and possesses a lot of empathy

Usually connect and/or are very sensitive to certain characters in movies

Highly sensitive to issues affecting earth, animals, people, advocacy, justice, human rights and the “underdog”

Some women are quite “child-like”, not reaching a maturity until roughly 40 years of age (Många har sagt “Är du verkligen så gammal, det kan man inte tro” och det har inte med utseendet att göra utan min person)

  1. Personality characteristics and/or traits and abilities

A natural born leader, independent, strong-willed, determined and can be highly competitive (even with herself)

High levels of introversion OR can be extroverted

Generally lack a strong sense of self, self-esteem and/or identity. May use chameleon-like skills to assimilate and be involved with to a variety of groups or different people over time, in a search for true identity. (JAG)

Has a high sense of justice and fairness, is a truth-seeker

Highly creative and may have ‘rushes’ of original ideas

Dislikes change and may find it disorienting and stressful

Highly sensitive to criticism or perceived criticism

Dislikes being observed when having to perform (performance anxiety) (AVSKYR det!)

May have been told she cares to much, does too much for others and/or is too sensitive (Gissa om… och för det så har jag alltid trott att det har varit fel på mig, att man inte ska vara så här och att detta är något som jag måste få bort. Men jag får inte bort det, så nu får det vara)

Is perfectionistic (may have attended a perfectionism group program)

Attention to detail

Obsessions/special interests can be short-term (switching from one to another quickly) or long-term (can make a great career) (Tyvärr ja… )

Naivety, innocence, trusting too much and taking others literally are a powerful concoction for being misused and abused (så manga gånger…)

A strong sense of feeling different from her peers, often described as being from a different planet (kunde sitta och nypa mig själv som barn, för att känna att jag fans. En jättekonstig känsla)

May not have a sense of self and/or identity, self-esteem

Tend to be very serious, often too serious at times (ja, så att det blir jobbigt för folk omkring mig)

Is intense in everything she does

In childhood, may have been described as highly sensitive and/or shy

Highly imaginative

May have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality

  1. Past and/or current mental health history

May have a history of crying a lot, without knowing why

May have a lengthy history of going to therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists (tio – elva olika tror jag, åren 1990 – nu)

May have tried a variety of medications,

Experiences social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder

May have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or traits

May have one or more of the 6 types of ADHD (ev ADD)

Has experienced ongoing depression and/or tiredness/exhaustion, without knowing why (hela livet, utan att veta varför. Trodde länge att det berodde på trasslig barndom som det så vackert heter, men efter år av terapi och en känsla av att ha funnit frid med den trassliga barndomen, så borde jag då må bättre)

A history of trying to understand oneself, of finding answers to explain one-self and why she feels she is different or doesn’t fit in, as a woman

A history of many doctors and counsellors visits throughout university life

May have a family history of Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, OCD, anxiety disorders (det finns en hel del av den varan)

May be been misdiagnosed with bi-polar disorder, borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia (de trodde först på bipolar, men efter lite samtal så verkar det som om det inte är så, utan mer på detta Asperger och ADD)

May have been previously diagnosed with anxiety disorder depression, an eating disorder, borderline personality disorder, bi-polar disorder and/or ADHD

A history of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, mood swings

  1. Coping Mechanisms

May have turned to alcohol, drugs, smoking in order to cope with intense emotions, self-medicate and/or socialize/fit in and/or be accepted with a group. (vare sig röker eller dricker alcohol idag)

May use a different persona when out in the public, in order to cope (om ni bara visste…, men det börjar ge sig och mitt verkliga JAG börjar komma fram mer och mer)

May have developed a variety of dysfunctional coping mechanisms (for example, arrogance and/or narcissism)

May change gender or sexuality in an attempt to “fit it” and/or find the right group

Has used imitation, social echolalia to pretend to be normal, fake it or pass for normal

May rock standing up, lying down, in a rocking chair to calm down or self-soothe

May need to withdraw into bed or a dark area or a place of solitude to gain privacy, quiet and manage sensory and/or social overload

Withdrawal and/or Avoidance

May have developed a personality disorder as a means of coping with Asperger Syndrome

  1. Sixth Sense, Intuition, Psychic Abilities

Has the ability to feel other people emotions

May “know” or have knowledge of certain things, but no idea how she knows

May be a professional psychic or medium (en del påstår det)

Possesses one or more psychic abilities

Is an “empath”

  1. Unique abilities and Strengths

Intelligence, craves knowledge and loves learning

Can teach herself just about anything she puts her mind too

Has a strong will, is determined and independent


Have a remarkable long-term memory, photographic memory

A great sense of humour (det sägs så)

Can work very well in a “crisis” situation

Deeply reflective thinker

Resilience, an ability to go from one crisis to another, to bounce back, to start again time and time again

Attention to detail

Great in one-on-one situations or presenting to a group

More like “philosophers” than “professors, but can be both.

Seeing in the “mind’s eye” exact details, gifted visual learner

May be gifted with art, music, writing, languages

Highly intuitive

Capable of deep philosophical thinking, females with Aspergers often beceome writers, poets, artists, singers, performers, actresses or professors.

  1. Challenges

May be difficult to understand subtle emotions, for e.g., when someone is jealous or embarrassed, uninterested or bored

Keeping up appearances, passing for normal

Managing emotions

Learning difficulties

May get very upset with unexpected change

May not be able to tell when someone is flirting with her

Challenging to work and function within a group

Great difficulty and very sensitive to conflict, stress, arguments, fighting, wars, gossip and negativity

Social-chit chat, small talk, conversation without a “function”, maintaining friendships and relationships, social anxiety or social phobia

May like or prefer to be by herself as much as possible

May find it challenging to understand what others expect of her (alla dessa underförstådda saker “Men hur kan du inte förstå det?” För att du inte sa något om det såklart!)

Being taken advantage of due to naivety, innocence and trusting others too much

Boundaries (usually when younger)

May have difficulty filling out forms, doing paperwork (completing taxes), budgeting money (komplett värdelös på det. Som tur är så erkänner jag det idag, efter extremt stora problem. Som tex att inte deklarera för att jag inte förstod HUR jag skulle göra, och jag förstod inte heller att man fick böter om man INTE gjorde det. Men efter att jag fått böter så förstod jag.. Och så vidare. Basic för andra, kris och katastrof för mig)

May have difficulty recognizing or remembering faces (prosopagnosia)

  1. Empathy

May have a lack of cognitive empathy and hyperempathy (for e.g., too much affective empathy)

Cognitive Empathy: The ability to predict other’s thoughts and intentions, knowing how the other person feels and what they might be thinking. Also known as perspective-taking.

Affective/Emotional Empathy: The ability or capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another person, when you feel the feelings of another person along with the other person, as though their emotions are your own. Social neuroscience has found that this kind of empathy has to do with the mirror neuron system. Emotional empathy contributes to an individual being well-attuned to another person’s inner emotional world, an advantage for individuals in a wide range of careers from nursing to teaching to social work, psychology and other caring professions. (skitjobbigt och det gör bla att jag undviker folk)

Compassionate Empathy, or “empathic concern”. This kind of empathy helps us to understand a person’s predicament and feel with them, and also be spontaneously moved to help them, if and when other need help. Under stress, Theory of mind skills may appear to be completely absent.

  1. May have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
  2. May have an intense desire to please others and/ be liked by others. May become highly distressed if she has the perception that someone does not like her or actually does not like her.
  3. Executive functioning difficulties may include: trouble making decisions, time management, planning ahead, organization, completing tasks.
  4. May have spend a lifetime of using enormous effort to socially “pretend”, “fake it”, “fit in”, “pass for normal”. May have utilized body language books, mirrors, acting/drama classes to improve social skills. (övat så in I bomben på det..)
  5. May have tocophobia, the fear of childbirth
  6. May have gender dysphoria, also known as gender identity disorder (GID) dysphoria, and is a formal diagnosis for individuals who feel and experience significant stress and unhappiness with their birth gender and/or gender roles. These individuals are known as transsexual or transgender.
  7. Photographic visual memory


No one woman will have all of these traits. Some of the traits in this list may not apply to you. A level of insight and awareness is required in terms of recognizing the traits, characteristics and behaviors in oneself. Asperger Syndrome often co-occurs with  Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Irlen Syndrome, Dyspraxia/Disability of Written Expression, Auditory Processing Disorder and/or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Individual traits and characteristics can vary from mild to severe.

  1. An intense and continual need to figure oneself out.
  2. Hypermobility Syndrome

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